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文档介绍:吸脂手术 腿部(Liposuction surgery - leg)
Liposuction surgery - leg
Abstract: general leg liposuction liposuction is referrinhe lateral fat of the stock should be examined in detail before the operation. Be careful not to smoke the fat from the bottom of your butt in the suction process to avoid deformity.
Inner thigh
Liposuction of the inner part of the femoral part: the inner part of the femoral skin is thinner, the fat is soft, the operation is easy to bleed and the postoperative effect is less stable than the lateral part. The operation should be careful not to draw too much fat, lest the two sides of the unit form a larger gap.
Inside of the knee
The fat accumulation of knee part is common in the knee, the knee fat suction is easier, the blood is less, can carry on the full suction.
Leg liposuction
Shins can be divided into three kinds of large majority of the human leg is caused by the local fat accumulation, but also some people are the muscle developed, and some people are fat accumulation, the muscle developed both. To identify what kind of situation you are in, just touch the lower leg with the strength of the calf and touch the thickness and muscle shape of the calf to identify which type of calf you are.
Surgical features
Accurate positioning
The advanced equipment used in leg liposuction can accurately locate the fat part and target the fat removal.
Quick reco


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