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文档介绍:2017 年河北省献县英语中考常考虚拟语气练习 1、I’m not tired. IfI were tired, I ______ a rest. A will B. would have C. would D. were going to 2、 IfI were a bird ,I ______ in the blue sky . A. will fly B. fly C. would fly D. flew 3、 Today is Friday. If it Sunday, I would go fishing with dad. A. were C. is 4、--Can you tell me what to wear at the party? --If I_ ___ you, I_ ___ the blue jeans. , will wear B. were, would wear C. am, will wear , wore 5、 IfI _______ you, I would give some flowers to her. A. am B. was C. was D. were 6、 It would be nice if the hotel_________rooms with kitchens. have 7、 IfI ________ a bird ,I ________ fly freely in the sky . A. were , will B. were , would C. was , would have D. was , were going to 8、 If I______you , I'd work hard and make great progress in learning . A. amB. were C. was 9、--I had a big fight with my friend yesterday. What should I do? -- IfI _______ you, I would say sorry to her. A. am B. was C. were 10、I wish I younger A were B beC amD is 11、 IfI ________ ten years younger, I _________ piano lessons and go toa music college. A. am; will take ; took ; will take ; would take 12、—I don ’t know what to wear at the party. — IfI you, I would wear a shirt and a tie. A. am B. is C. were D. was 13、--What would you do if you ____ a million dollars? --I ’d give it to the charity A. win B. won C. will win D. is