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文档介绍:酵母发酵问题(Yeast fermentation)
Flour and yeast, 30~ in 38 degrees, can be fermented.
Without yeast can ferment, flour and not how the yeast growth temperature, gas production, gas production of yeast the optimum temperature is 36~37 degrees, your temperature control is a problem.
if you think the yeast may be problems, you can first use yeast warm water (not hot as appropriate), the opening of a very small amount of sugar, and so on for half an hour, and then the surface can solve the problem. Yeast is generally no problem, even if the decline in vitality, but also through this way to provide yeast nutrition, resurrection of yeast, you know, my long-term use of Angel yeast has never been a problem, after all, is a big company products oh.
if not good, not sour dough under the condition of incorporation and incorporation of a certain flour yeast and fermentation surface can still do Steamed Buns, this Steamed Buns flavor better Oh, because the growth of other microorganisms in the dough will produce some flavor substances, the disadvantage is a long time the dough will be sour many bacteria, not afraid of health, which is the acid producing lactic acid bacteria, produced a large amount of acid is also used for edible alkali neutralization, generally not good grasp.
and good, no fermented noodles can also eat ah, such as making pancakes, the following pimple. As long as the sur