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文档介绍:酸奶的正确喝法(The proper way to drink yogurt)
Yogurt is the most common health food in life, but if you drink it casually, it3 - 5.
drink yogurt to gargle in time
With the development of lactic acid drinks, the rate of dental caries in children is increasing, which is the dominant role of some bacteria in lactic acid bacteria.
yogurt should not be heated after drinking
The active lactic acid bacteria in yogurt, such as diluted by heating or boiling water, will die a lot, not only the unique flavor disappears, but also the nutritional value is lost.
yogurt should not be taken with certain drugs
Chloramphenicol, erythromycin and other antibiotics, sulfa drugs and the treatment of diarrhea convergence agent, sub carbonic acid, tannic acid, eggs and other drugs, can kill or destroy lactic acid bacteria in yogurt.
6 、 have a cup of yogurt after lunch or after lunch
Drinking a cup of milk in the morning and evening has become a good habit for many people. But you know, a cup of yogurt after lunch or after lunch can also play an important role in health.
Drink a glass of milk at breakfast can effectively add heat: at night, drink a cup before going to sleep, will help increase the quality of sleep, let you into deep sleep state, but also to ensure the full absorption and digestion of milk nutrition. A cup of yogurt after lunch or after lunch can inhibit the reproduction of harmful