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上传人:蓝天 2022/6/14 文件大小:85 KB





文档介绍:乐图使用说明(Graphical user instructions)
Music map is a JAVA technology platform for the development of mobile phone map sofoperation, more beautiful, easier to use, automatic hidden function, so that your vision wider;
, perfect support for touch screen, map support, move and drag mode, and many other windows can drag;
use the icon menu similar to the squares to facilitate touch-screen operations, thanks to the large icons:
, optimize the menu structure, function more clear and simple;
optimize map storage system, Map Pack smaller and faster, official map pack is not compatible with previous version;
, increase the base station positioning function, limited to BlackBerry, Sony Ericsson and NOKIA version third:
, optimized trajectory generation algorithm, generated more smooth track, smaller files, trajectories can be exported to PLT and KML format:
fixes a lot of bug references:
0926 edition release notes:
Fixed a small mode map import error, optimized map import speed, and need to be used in conjunction with the 26 day version
The new version also supports 2. The 0 edition of the map package is set up in the music map - the basic settings - select the map package version and do not need to restart
25 edition of the inconvenience to everyone, please also understand the reference:
Some explanations for charges:
As the financing has not been completed, and the operation


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