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上传人:zhaojz4822 2022/6/14 文件大小:171 KB





文档介绍:[the social network]
The first five minutes
M--Mark Zuckerburg E--Erica Albright
Did you know that there ere are really more people in China with genius IQs than the entire
population of ⋯
The Phoenix is the most diverse. The Fly Club. Roosevelt punched the Porc.
Which one?
M: The Porcellian, the Proc. It ’ s the best. of the best
Which Roosevelt.
IS it true that they send a bus around to pick up girls who want to party with the next Fed Chairman?
So you see the importance to get in?
Okay, well, which is the easiest to get into?
⋯ why would you ask me so?
I was just asking.
None of them. That’ s the point. My friend Eduardo made $300,000
betting on oil future one summer and Eduardo won

’ t come close to
getting in . The ability to make money dosen ’t impress anyone there.
Must be nice. He made $300,000 in a summer?
He likes Meteorology.
I thought it was oil future.
M: You can read the weather, you can predict the price of heating oil. I
think you asked me thatbecause you think the final club that

’s the easiest
to get into is the one that I

’ ll have the best chance.
E: I ⋯ what?
You asked me which one is the easiest to get into because you think that ’ s where I have the best chance.
The one that ’ s easigetstintto woul