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Living well课件9.ppt

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Living well课件9.ppt



文档介绍:视听说选修课的教学是利用了图像、感情、声音等方面强化了学生的“刺激反应”,使外界的信息通过视觉、听觉等传给大脑中枢,建立起信号联系并诱发人脑迅速做出反应和加速记忆,达到记忆痕迹的长期储存从而实现最佳教学效果。从语言学和教育信息技术的角度来看,英语影视及歌曲欣赏选修课是将原版英文影片、英语歌曲以及多媒体教学运用于英语教学实践的一种尝试。影视以其直观的手段,营造出轻松愉快的氛围,给学生提供纯正、地道的英语口语和运用情景。本课时的素材选择均来自原版的英文影片及英语歌曲。本课时的设置均是根据一定的教学需要,通过对影片的剪辑,歌曲的选择并利用多媒体教学手段进行整合,从提高学生学****英语的兴趣入手,从而达到听说能力的提高并促进其读写能力的发展。理论依据: 根据英国帕尔默等人提出的情景教学法, 强调学****英语必须通过真实的交际情景, 调动学生学****英语的积极性。因此,为了培养学****英语的核心能力,将基础知识转化为语言技能,进而发展成交际能力。因此,英语研究性学****活动要达到“四个真实性”,即语言材料的真实性、语言自身的真实性、语言环境的真实性和学生情感的真实性,使学生以喜闻乐见的方式去真实地体验、感受和运用语言。语言学家弗斯认为,在有人类的交际活动中,语言环境对语言来说是必不可少的。语言功能的掌握,依赖于真实情景, 要设法结合学生的实际,创设交际情景, 让学生身临其境,增强学生的兴趣和印象。单元影视 Forrest Gump is a 1994 American epic edy-drama film based on the 1986 novel of the same name by Winston Groom. The film was directed by Robert Zemeckis and starred Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise and Sally Field. The story depicts ( 描述) several decades in the life of Forrest Gump, a na ? ve ( 天真的) and slow-witted ( 头脑不好的) yet athletically prodigious ( 惊人的) native of Alabama ( 阿拉巴马州) who witnesses, and in some cases influences, some of the defining events of the latter half of the 20th century in the United States; more specifically, the period between Forrest's birth in 1944 and 1982. Born in Greenbow , Alabama in the early 1950s, Forrest Gump has a difficult childhood. His low intelligence and disabled feet give people the reason for laughing at the boy. Only his mother, a proud single woman, believes in Forrest and wants her son to live a normal life. Since his first day at school Forrest has been knowing Jenny Curan , a cute little girl, but she also suffers from terrible childhood experiences that mark her for life. In his teens Forrest Gump essfully plays for a football team after surmounting (超越) his physical handicap ( 身体缺陷). In the army he meets his best friend Bubba, a young black soldier, who inspirits ( 激励) Forrest and his future life. After being sent to Vietnam, Forrest starts a shrimp business at the Golf Coast in order to keep