文档介绍:年 月 中 成 药
2022 4 文章编号
: R927􀆰 2 : A : 1001⁃1528(2022)04⁃1063⁃08
:10􀆰 3969 / j.issn.1001⁃1528􀆰 2022􀆰 04􀆰 005
Establishment of characteristic chromatogram and determination of four
constituents for Tanreqing Injection
1 1 2 2 1 1∗
ZHANG Jing⁃xian , SUN Jian , CHEN Jun , WU Qing⁃chen , MAO Xiu⁃hong , HU Qing ,
JI Shen
1. NMPA Key Laboratory for Quality Control of Traditional Chinese Medicine Shanghai Institute for Food and Drug Control Shanghai 201203 China
( , , , ;
2. Shanghai Kaibao Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Shanghai 200030 China
, , , )
ABSTRACT AIM Scutellariae Radix
: To establish the characteristic chromatogram for Tanreqing Injection ( ,
Lonicerae japonicae Flos Forsythiae Fructus etc.
, , ) and to determine the contents of scutellarin, baicalin, oroxylin
A⁃7⁃ ⁃glucoronide and chrysin⁃7⁃ ⁃glucoronide. The