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文档介绍:Iead4dead(求生之路1)攻略(lead4dead (求生之路1)攻略)
Two weeks after infection, T received a telegram: "Dear boss has Q brother, now younger brother think her death, because it is hemorrhoids bleeding too much, die!
Trying to scare me, there's no door!
At the end of the corridor, you can see the room has broken a big hole, the watch will find a lot of zombies, as long as you shoot, zombies will try to climb up and bite you. After the removal of all zombie jump.
Jumped into the hole, along the road will see the exit, go out after the game player will come to the "alley”, there is a lot of "wall" waiting for you! When they see you, they come to give you a hug!
The door came to the alley, there will be "random" probability of get painkillers or bomb. Also in and out of the alley before will see two cars, the car which has a small pistol if there are words, remember to pick up! ("handsome!)
Do not think that "everything in your control will remove the guard, then in fact in this city full of zombies in what happens, you do not know. Next...
Like springs like zombies. It is really a is two, two is "mountain”!
Before you come to the subway, the player will find a very special car,
This is a surprise for the team! Just touch lightly and you'11 get the "infinite number” (super Mary unlimited number).
Specially sent up. "Here they come. ”!” (infinite number only) !
So close!
Fled the apartment full of zombies, the four survivors came to the subway, then what terrible things? Please read the next tour guide!
Coming to the safe room, there will be some supplies. It is recommended that the player take more of the medical kit and weapon and get more!
From the security room, you will see a big hole, underneath there are many zombies waiting for your arrival! Better clean up and go on!
I have a ticket! Don't chase me!
It is easy to remove a zombie, "Hunter" has come to a. The next thing is to go down the subway entrance.
Oh, boy, this pose is really handsome! Q I