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Eight functions of green tea
Green tea is a form of tea that is not fermented. Because of its green leaves aaps of bacteria breeding bacteria, it can effectively prevent bad breath. ?
cancer prevention?
Green tea has an inhibitory effect on certain cancers, but its principles are limited to the inference stage. To the occurrence of cancer prevention, more tea is bound to have its positive role in encouraging. ?
whitening and anti UV effect?
In animal studies, experts found that catechins in green tea were resistant to skin cancer caused by UV-B. ?
can improve indigestion?
Recent studies showed that Green Tea can help improve indigestion, such as acute diarrhea caused by bacteria, drink a little Green Tea reduce the condition. ?
The effect of scented tea?
Tea, since ancient times is Ms. Amy's favorite, "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: tea, sweet, cool of the lung, kidney, the efficacy of calming the liver, lungs and beauty. Modern medical proof, long-term drinking tea has freckle, Runzao, eyesight, detoxification, beauty, endocrine regulation and other effects. ?
Because of the variety of tea, the effect is different, so I tell you what kind of tea I know. I hope we can buy the variety for ourselves. ?
* treating headache, insomnia, reducing stress and restoring brain fatigue?
Huang Juhua - lowering blood pressure, headache, dizziness, neurological headache curative effect?
Lavender - headache, insomnia, prevention of colds, relieve anxiety, nervous mood?
chrysanthemum - liver, eyesight, for anemopyretic cold, Light-headedness,
Redness and swelling of the eyes?
flowers - Divine action, is the main treatment of stagnation of chest tightness, insomnia, forgetfulness, eye diseases, such as neurasthenia?
rosemary - help to restore brain fatigue, and can enhance memory, for hangover, dizziness, dizziness and tension headache also good?
Effect. It also has cosmetic effect, can reduce wrinkles and remove markings. ?
lemon grass with phle