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文档介绍:Write to Publish
† What’s publishable?
† What’s in a paper?
† To make it easy
† How to write:
„ Format
„ Abstract
„ Introduction
„ M&M
„ Results & Discussion
„ Conclusions
„ References
„ Figures/Tables
„ Final touches
What’s Publishable?
† New ideas
„ pounds (not likely)
„ New topics (less likely)
† New data
„ Address current issues
„ Issues of regional interest
† Small but provable topics
„ Small improvements
Field vs. Laboratory
† Field data:
„ Monitoring, scattered data – less publishable
„ Field plot studies (expensive) – highly publishable
† Lab studies:
„ Inexpensive
„ Publishable, if done right
† Lab-binations
„ Complementary
„ Most publishable
„ Example: Analytical methods + field samples
What’s in a Paper?
† How long?
„ 12-15 text pages, double spaced
„ 1-4 tables
„ 5-2 figures
„ 15-25 references
„ 2-4 core references
To Make It Easy
† Always read other people’s papers first!
„ Avoid “reinvent the wheel”
„ Avoid wasting time on developing old methods
„ Avoid ing “narrow minded”- fair evaluation
of your own work
„ Really get the “handle” or “angle”
„ Aim low, aim small, aim specific
„ Really, really understand “why?”
„ To be used in Introduction
To Make It Easy
† Always prepare a study protocol
„ Notebooks: date/time
„ Plan 1, plan 2, …, keep updating
„ Objectives
„ Detailed methods, exact conditions, references
„ Detailed statistics, design
„ Incorporate changes
„ Record problems, unexpected observations
„ Store all info in specific folders
„ To be used in M&M
To Make It Easy
† Analyze data when still “hot”
„ Get data off instruments right away!
„ Plot after 3 time points!
„ Group curves by treatments
‡ What do you want pare?
‡ Temperature? In one graph
‡ Compounds? In one graph
‡ Soil type? In one graph
„ Keep samples for 6 months after finish
‡ Recap if punctured
„ Always use replicates (n ≥ 3) and statistics
‡ r or r2


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