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Administrative measures for the classification and registration of individual industrial and commercialstrial and commercial households
Two years five, February 5th
For the full implementation of the registration of individual industrial and commercial households classified management reform, strengthen the grassroots business supervision law enforcement standardized construction, support and guide the healthy development of the individual economy, according to "People's Republic of China, People's Republic of China” administrative licensing law "administrative punishment law”, z/urban and rural individual industrial and commercial households Management Provisional Regulations”, "industrial and commercial administration regulations”, "unlicensed and banned procedures”, these measures are formulated.
A commissioned commissioned and commissioned the inspection according to the registration, filing
(a) the city and County Administration for Industry and Commerce and the City Administration for Industry and Commerce Branch may entrust qualified business of individual industrial and commercial households for the establishment, change and cancellation of the registration and inspection, entrust qualified business to engage in business activities but in accordance with the relevant provisions of the individual operators are exempted from registration for the record.
Involved in the project management, pre licensing special approval of the individual business registration and inspection, by the city and County Administration for Industry and Commerce and the city administration of industry and Commerce Bureau is responsible for.
(two) the entrusted industrial and commercial administration shall exercise the power entrusted by the municipal and county administrative bureau for Industry and commerce as well as the administrative department for Industry and commerce under the name of large and medium cities.
(three) the administrative departments for In


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