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202X高考英语总复习专项测试(SB Ⅲ Units13-24).doc

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202X高考英语总复习专项测试(SB Ⅲ Units13-24).doc

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202X高考英语总复习专项测试(SB Ⅲ Units13-24).doc



文档介绍:用心 爱心 专心 115号编辑
2021高考英语总复****专项测试〔SB Ⅲ Units13-24〕
听4. How was cola originally sold?
A. As a soft drink. B. As a medicine. C. As a cooking oil.
15. Why did the speaker mention John S. Pamberton?
A. He sold cola to doctors. B. He was a drugstore clerk. C. He developed cola as a drug.
16. How was the drug made into a soft drink?
A. By mixing it with special oils. B. By heating it. C. By adding soda water.
17. Where did the fire probably start?
A. On the first floor. B. On the second floor. C. On the third floor.
18. When was the building built?
A. In 1718. B. In 1782. C. In 1930.
19. What was the building used as at the time of the fire?
A. A hotel. B. An old people’ home. C. A history museum.
20. Who is Andrew Barnes?
A. A newspaper reporter. B. The owner of the building. C. The head of the fire department.
第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分)
21. —The young man spent as much time as he experiments.
—No wonder, he succeeded .
A. did; by the end B. could do; in the end
C. could doing; in the end D. could to do; in the end
22. the workers insisted on was that they more pay.
A. hat; must be given B. What; should give
C. What; be given D. Whether; could be given
23. It was in the lab was taken charge of by professor Harries they did the experiment.
A. which; that B. that; where C. whom; that D. which; where
24. I don't think he could have done such a rapid thing last night, ?
A. do I B. had he C. has he D. did he
25. I won't it than I treated him unfairly.
A. allow; said B. let; say C. have; said D. get; say
26. Pippa, as well as the other children who the presents, .