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Many years ago, there was an Emperor, who was so excessively fond of new clothes,nd out what men in my realms are unfit for their office, and also be able to distinguish the wise from the foolish! This stuff must be woven for me immediately." And he caused large sums of money to be given to both the weavers in order that they might begin their work directly.
realm /relm/: a country ruled by a king or queen 王国
distinguish/dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ : to recognize the difference between two people or things 区分;辨别;分清
woven /ˈwəʊvn/: a past participle of weave  /wiːv/: to make fabric, a carpet, a basket, etc. by crossing threads or strips across, over and under each other by hand or on a machine called a loom (用手或机器)编,织,编制,编织
So the two pretended weavers set up two looms, and affected to work very busily, though in reality they did nothing at all. They asked for the most delicate silk and the purest gold thread; put both into their own knapsacks; and then continued their pretended work at the empty looms until late at night.
loom  /luːm/: a machine for weaving fabric 织布机
affect /əˈfekt/: to pretend to be feeling or thinking something 假装
delicate /ˈdelɪkət/: small and having a beautiful shape or appearance 纤细的;微小的;精美的;小巧玲珑的
knapsack /ˈnæpsæk/: a small rucksack 小背包
"I should like to know how the weavers are getting on with my cloth," said the Emperor to himself, after some little time had elapsed; he was, however, rather embarrassed, when he remembered that a simpleton, or one unfit for his office, would be unable to see the manufacture. To be sure, he thought he had nothing to risk in his own person; but yet, he would prefer sending somebody else, to bring him intelligence about the weavers, and their work, before he troubled himself in the affair. All the people throughout the city had heard of the wonderful property the cloth was to possess; and all were anxious to learn how wise, or how ignorant, their neighbors mig