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上传人:老狐狸 2022/6/20 文件大小:13 KB





重点中学考什么我们就教什么。乐加乐连续五年蝉联北京小升初英语第一 2022年800多学……[具体]
小升初面试口语自我介绍 | 小升 hat, like
14. please, sit, the, desk, on, don‘t
15. look, your, like, Lucy, you, father
16. his, cat, white, the, car, in, is
17. think, in, they, I, are, six, row
18. school, colour, what, and, boys, girls, are, clothes, your(?)
19. house, her, a, there, near, is, river
20. can, you, do, what, children
21. are, these, small, clothes, / on, I, them, can’t, put
22. a, what, beautiful, girl, is, she, (!)
23. is, how, girl, the, beautiful (!)
24. friend, mum, good, my, this, Jim, is
25. twins, same, the, look, the,
26. it, put, desk, in, Tom‘s, please
27. what, name, dog, is, Kate’s, of, the,(?)
28. can, to, get, park, I, how, the

29. do, time, up, get, what, you,(?)
30. the, clean, room, TV, us, let
31. it, is, to, to, go, time, class(?)
32. in, the, the, big, are, balls, box
33. like, would, you, these, toys, nice(?)
34. kite, yellow, the, I, nice, like
35. isn‘t, who, today, school, at(?)
36. think, mine, I, is, it
37. we, are, students, grade, six, of
38. it, put, on, please
39. book, Mr Read, give, to, this, please
40. that, wh


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