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少儿英语故事分享 英语小故事分享.docx

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少儿英语故事分享 英语小故事分享.docx

上传人:zongzong 2022/6/20 文件大小:21 KB


少儿英语故事分享 英语小故事分享.docx



文档介绍:少儿英语故事分享 英语小故事分享
  One day, some animals were talking about which animal was the best. The pig said, Pigs aave to settle another dispute between two of my subjects.

  “Very well Sumitra, answered the owl. “I will wait right here. After Sumitra left to find his subjects, Kanakaksha thought to himself, “If Sumitra comes to know that I am just an ordinary owl, he will stop being my friend. I have to impress him.
  As Kanakaksha was flying through the woods in search of food, he saw a camp of soldiers and their commander. He suddenly got an idea. He flew back to the pond and called Sumitra. “I want you to visit my kingdom, invited the owl.
  “One day I will surely visit your kingdom Kanakaksha, answered Sumitra the swan.
  “Not someday, urged Kanakaksha. “You should come today. I come to meet you everyday. Sumitra agreed and the owl took the swan to the place where the soldiers had camped.
  “This is my kingdom and these are my subjects, said Kanakaksha to Sumitra proudly. Sumitra knew that Kanakaksha was no king. But he did not want to hurt his poor foolish friend’s feelings.

  “Wow! exclaimed Sumitra.
  “Are your soldiers getting ready to move?
  “No! How could they without my permission? The Owl flew over the camp hooting3 aloud “Ho - hoo! The commander heard the owl and said, “An owl is hooting. It’s a bad omen2. We will have to postpone4 our march.
  The next day Kanakaksha and Sumitra came to the same place. Just as the army got ready to move. Kanakaksha hooted5 again. The army stopped again. On the third day again, Kanakaksha hooted just as the commander mounted his horse.
  “Oh this omen maker6! Will someone take care of him? shouted the commander angrily.
  This time my poor friend has gone too far, thought Sumitra the swan to himself.
  A soldier stepped forward and shot an arrow at the owl perched o