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软件工程硕士论文 图文.doc

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软件工程硕士论文 图文.doc



采油工程信息综合管理系统的数据库设计与研究Production engineering information integrated management system, database design and research
management still using file, paper management mode and simple EXCEL form management, caused many inefficient personnel, unreasonable distribution problems and lots of resources waste problems that could have avoided problems to the actual production and management have brought much inconvenience. The system is in this context for analysis and research.
Production engineering information management system from China oilfield of actual need of the production in the country now demand a low carbon economy under the background of the research on the, this system to Oracle as backend database, targeted for oil production data in the database design-including the analysis of the data dictionary design, database design, standardization requirements function module design, system flow design and the design of the entity relation between, strictly need to create more than one hundred form, and effective use of the view and materialized views to focus on specific data, simplify the operation and make sure the data in the table data security the results of the study will design with c # and environment to realize this system development. The system mainly divided into eight function modules, to produce each part of a comprehensive analysis and management information, the function of each module in different stage division, and finally completes Production Company to all kinds of production data are unified digital management, for the modernization of production engineering management, intelligent and integration made great contribution.
Key words: establish the data dictionary; data analysis and design; Materialized views;Management system
第1章绪论 (1
采油工程信息数据管理的国内外现状..... 错误!未定义书签。
第2章数据库设计原理及开发工具简介 (2
数据库设计原理及特点介绍 (2
数据库设计模型的种类 (3


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