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[trans]Fragstats 3. 3 usage and landscape index ecological meaning (2010-07-06, 11:17:48)
Parameter setting
Find the icon, or fragstats\set run parameters, open the Run Parameters dialog box.
Grid Name: select the grid file.
Output File:, live by name, wherever you can find it.
Is properties file finds the saved *. fdc file in step five.
Output Statistics: selects the index you want to calculate, with patch level, ground class, landscape level, and you can choose whatever you want.
Consent allows you to choose the distance between the patches. It depends on how you order. 4 cell or 8 cell.
Note: if the parameter setting is complete, your ground class will have to be modified, or if there are any problems with the operation, you can open: tools/class properties to modify it.
Index selection
Fragstats/select patch (class, land) metrics
The size of the value has a good positive correlation with the fragmentation of the landscape. The general rule is that the NP is large, the fragmentation is high, the NP is small, and the fragmentation is low. NP has an impact on many ecological processes, such as determining the spatial distribution characteristics of various species and their secondary species in the landscape, and altering the stability of species interactions and symbiosis. Moreover, NP has an important influence on the spread of various kinds of interference in the landscape, such as a number of pieces and scattered, the spread of some interference (pests and fires) inhibition.
The ratio of the largest block to the landscape area (LPI), per unit: percentage, range: 0<LPI<=100
Formula Description: LPI is equal to the proportion of the largest block in a block type that occupies the entire landscape area.
Ecological significance: helps to determine the pattern, location, or dominant type of landscape. Its value determines the ecological characteristics of dominant species and abundance of species in the landscape.