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文档介绍:黄金首饰基本知识(Basic knowledge of gold jewelry)
Basic knowledge of gold jewelry
The current market sales of gold jewelry, gof precious metal jewelry or quality dispute, should go to the jewelry quality inspection institutions, by physical or chemical analysis were identified. Buy jewelry also need to carefully check whether the firm welding insets, no fracture, burr, trachoma.
Jewelry maintenance: gold jewelry worn and stored, and should avoid containing lead, mercury and other elements of the goods (Shui Yin) contact, otherwise it will make the jewelry surface discoloration. Work, bath should be removed to prevent wear jewelry, or bump, don't drag forcibly to avoid deformation or fracture.
Jewelry worn after a period of time, there may be dirt, color dark, available detergent soak, using a soft bristle brush gently scrub, rinse with water, then dry after wearing.
Platinum (Platinum) basic knowledge of jewelry
Which was also known as platinum platinum, chemical symbol Pt, silver white metal, the hardness is slightly higher than gold, the density of 21. 45g/cm3 (20. C), melting point 1768. C, it has many excellent characteristics, such as corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance, and beautiful color, because platinum has these characteristics, or to separate into fine shape, body tough platinum jewelry, can also be used to make jewelry inlaid jewelry, especially in the platinu


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