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文档介绍:英美文化教程Unit 8
英美文化教程Unit 8
Chapter 8 Character and Manners
I . Focal Points
of the e English self-deprecation, mixed with their reserve, produce?
The English self-deprecation, mixed with their reserve, often produces a sort of general air of indifference which appears to foreigners as a pose, difficult to understand and irritating.
10. What is the starting point of the English sense of humour? What is its great enemy?
The starting point of the English sense of humour is self-deprecation, and its great enemy is conceit.
11. What is the ideal of the English sense of humour?
The ideal of the English sense of humour is the ability to laugh at oneself--at one's own faults, one's own failure and embarrassment, even at one's own ideal.
12. What is sportsmanship?
Sportsmanship is the ability to practise a sport in obedience to its rules, while also showing generosity to one' s opponent and good temper in defeat.
13. How can you prove that sportsmanship as an ideal is applied to life in general?
This is proved by the number of sporting terms used in ordinary life.
14. Whom does the middle class consist of?
The middle class consists chiefly of well-to, do business men and professional people of all kinds.
15. Whom does the working class consists of?
The working class consists chiefly of manual and unskill


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