May First Internatier, held the grand demonstration and the assembly, strove for thelegitimate rights and interests. From this time on, every time meetsthis day, the various countries working people all must hold, theparade, shows to celebrate. The Chinese people celebrated Labor Day”s activity to be possible totrace to 1918. This year, some revolutionary intellectuals in placessuch as Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Hankou send out introduces “51“circular to the populace. On May 1, 1920, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Jiujiang, Tangshan andso on various industrial city working masses enormously and powerfulmoved towards the downtown, have held the mammoth parade, theassembly. Li Dazhao on has specially published ““ 51 “MovementHistory“ in “New youth“, introduced “51“ the festival origin and isbeautiful method and so on the national well-known craftsman personcommemorates “51“ the activity, summoned the Chinese worker the datewhich “51“ the achievement awakens this year. Chen Duxiu also forcelebrated this holiday to publish “Shanghai To enrich the well-beingof the masses Cotton mill Hunan Female worker Question“ an article,exposed the capitalist to exploit the worker surplus value the Duxiu has done in on sea boat service 栈房labor federation“劳累 Consciousness“ the speech, has expounded “the work creationworld“. “Works the person most useful is most precious“ viewpoint. InBeijing, some youths egress the propaganda, sends out “on May 1Laborer Manifesto“, arouses the worker for the oppositionexploitation, strives for own right to struggle. This is Chinacommemorates “51“ for the first time international labor day”sactivity, also is in Chinese history first “51“ Labor Day. After new China is founded, the Central People”s Government stateadministrative council on May 1 will decide as legal Labor Day inDecember, 1949, will be the date nation has a vacation one day. Ever