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Some travelers are still trapped in the heavy snow, though most are reported by the police _____.
To be rescued B. to be rescuing C. to have rescued D. to have been rescued
We all know clearly the immediate future, _____, however, it is hard to tell what lies.
Through which B. within which C. beyond which D. towards which
–I don’t think that they will reach an agreement in such a short time.
--____. It will take time to find a win-win solution.
A. Neither will they B. Neither they will C. Neither do I D. Neither I do
4. Our friendship was ____ back in 1990, since when we have kept in touch with each other.
A. hatched B. brought C. held D. spread
5. Your job is quite good and you are living fortable life. Why ____ you give all these things up?
A. could B. should C. might D. need
6. Even today we still have no solid evidence ____ there are living creatures in outer space.
A. how B. when C. where D. whether
7. – Did you finish position in the exam?
--Given five more minutes, I _____ it for sure.
A. would finish B. were to finish C. would have finished D. had finished
8. – The newly-built stadium is large enough to hold more than 10,000 people.
--_____? Bid you say 10,000?
A. e B. Pardon me C. So what D. What for
9. – Have you heard of the Victorian Garden there?
--Actually I ____ there for two days. Really facianting!
A. stayed B. would stay C.


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