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Period Four Project
had quit her job when her son was born she could stay home and ra .

答案 A
解析 come into power执政,掌权,属于固定搭配。
9.—How did you find him out?
—I his name by chance on a list.
down about
up across
答案 D
解析 此题考查动词短语辨析。come down下来;倒塌;病倒;come about发生,产生;come up走近;上来;发芽;come across来到;偶遇。根据句意可知选D项。
first of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.

答案 D
解析 句意为:我对他的第一印象是他是一个热心而富有思想的年轻人。故答案选D项。
These are some ideas that some people came up with about what the life will be like in the year 2500.
We will have established a base on the kids can take field trips to the moon will have found cures(疗法) for AIDS and war will have ended and peace flows freely through the will learn more and be smarter than ever before!History will be the main subject at (自助餐厅) food will be delicious!You just walk up to a machine,stick out your tongue,and it will scan your taste buds(味蕾) to see what you want to eat.
Here I am in the wonderful year of 2500 and life is so work in a pet store and it is so hard!I have to wake up at midnight every day and fly my car to the tak