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文档介绍:2015 届毕业设计基于 ASP 选课系统 XXX 电气信息学院 20 15年6月5日毕业论文基于 ASP 选课系统学生: XXX指导教师: XXX专业:计算机科学与技术所在单位: XXX 答辩日期: 2015 年6月5日 I 摘要本文论述了基于 asp 选课系统的设计和实现,此选课系统的实现是以学分制教学管理为基础的教学资源实体与学生两个集合的对应关系的协调统一,运行选课系统应强化选课意识,规避课程冲突,有效衔接教学管理系统的各个子系统之间的相互关系。本选课系统是基于 B/S 模式,服务端采用 ACCESS 2003 数据库和 ASP 组件来构成选课的应用服务系统,客户端采用浏览器来完成选课的全过程。该系统实现学生登录、查看课程、进行选课、课程申报。管理员对相关课程进行管理,学生管理。本文包括系统需求分析和系统的功能设计、数据库设计、主要 ASP 页面的设计及系统实现过程。选课系统只需安装在现有校园网络的服务器上,学生在任何一台校园网内的终端上即可完成选课任务。关键词:选课系统; B/S 模式;ACCESS2003 数据库; ASP ; II Abstract This paper argues the elective course system based onasp ofdesigning and implementation. The realization ofthe elective course system isthe coordinate agreement ofteaching resources which isbased oncredit system and students. The implementation ofthe elective course system should be strong then the sense ofselecting courses, avoid the conflict ofthe courses and effectively connect the subsystems with inteaching administrative system. The elective course system isbased onB/S model, the service end to use the ACCESS2003 database and the ASP module constitutes the application service system ofcourses, the customer end touse the browser plete the entire process ofcourses. The system realizes student login, view courses, course choosing, curriculum todeclare. Administrator management ofrelated courses, students' management. This paper including the system demand analysis and the function ofthe system design, database design, main ASP page design and system implementation. Elective course system installed inthe existing work bythe server, students inany one inside the work course tasks plete. Keywords :elective course sys tem; B/S model; ACCESS2003 database; IIS; ASP; III 目录摘要.......................................................................................................................... I Abstract ......................................................................................................................... II 第 1章绪论.........................................................