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文档介绍:华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划· 146 · 环境设计专业本科培养计划——环境艺术设计方向 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Environmental Design 一、培养目标Ⅰ. Educational Objective 面向新世纪环境设计专业人才市场的需求培养有文理两科特点,以广义建筑学为基础,设计艺术教育为主线的,适应社会主义现代化建设需要,德、智、体、美全面发展,具有扎实专业基础理论和造型能力,富有创造性的艺术设计及相关学科知识,具备较强适应能力的应用与研究型高级环境设计人才。 Facing the great demands for professionals e nvironmental design in the new century, undergraduates are fostered with both artistic and scientific feature, under the direction of general architecture and artistic design education. P reparations must be done to meet the need of socialistic modern construction, which makes graduate candidates to be generally developed in morality 、 wisdom 、 physical education 、 esthetics is needed. Graduates are required to have Well-knit professional basic theories and petence. Creative artistic design and its related knowledge are also required. Excellent adaptability is necessary for higher applied professionals to eed in the field . 二、基本规格要求Ⅱ. Skills Profile 1. 按照教育“面向现代化,面向世界,面向未来”的发展方向,要求环境设计专业的学生接受通识教育,打下较为坚实的自然科学与人文科学基础,具有良好的思想道德素质、文化素质和身心素质; 2. 系统学习学科基础课程,掌握扎实的学科专业基本理论和基本技能,了解国家及地方相关建筑内外环境艺术设计和工程技术方面的政策与法规; 3. 通过合理设置的专业课学习与实践性教学环节,使本专业毕业生能在专业设计部门( 公司)、院校及科研单位从事建筑室内环境艺术设计、建筑外部环境艺术设计、城市环境艺术设计、园林景观艺术设计、现代装饰艺术设计、建筑设计与家具设计等领域的设计、教学与管理工作,并初步具有从事环境设计及相关学科科学研究的能力; 4. 掌握计算机应用操作与一门外国语。 to the orientation of education is“ facing the modernization, facing the world, facing the future ” the students ofe nvironmental design are desired to undertake general education which can make students have well-knit scientific basis of nature and society, even can make them have good mental & moral quality, cultural quality and health quality. 2. Following a systematic fundamental course of specialized subject, mastering well-knit basic theories and skills of specialized subject, understanding correlative national and local policy and laws of exterior and interior environmental artistic design and engineering techniques. the reasonable plan of professional curric