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文档介绍:The importance of a team (一个团队的重要性)
Numerous cases show that the success of an enterprise depends not only on the amounevement motivation level that will help to change their negative attitude to work, improve the working enthusiasm of the self.
2, self-efficacy. Self efficacy is defined as the belief that people have the ability to produce specific levels of behavior that affect their life events. Beliefs about self-efficacy determine how people feel, how they think, how they motivate themselves, and how they act. Self-efficacy determines the employees for their work ability to judge the positive and appropriate self-efficacy makes employees think they have the ability to perform the work, which will have a positive, positive work attitude: and when the employee' s self-efficacy is relatively low, that can not do the job, so he will work there will be avoid negative thoughts, work enthusiasm will be greatly reduced.
3 、 self motivation. It will inevitably encounter all kinds of work in the setbacks and failures, reduce the staff's achievement motivation and doubt their ability, so we must constantly to maintain strong self motivation, achievement motivation and high level of self-efficacy.
the boss' s enthusiasm for employees. The boss is the source of employee's work order, and also the chief evaluator of employee's work performance. The interaction between supervisor and employee plays a very important role in employee's work attitude. What kind of leadership style can effectively improve the enthusiasm of employees? Taiwan organization sociology scholars show that in the study of Chinese enterprises, many enterprises in the family as the metaphor, through the pan family, the traditional family ethical relations or role in the class to outside the family groups or organizations, leaders in the enterprise plays the role of parents is required. Leaders should be fair and equitable treatment of employment of both kindness and severity, subordinates. At the same