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文档介绍:一、词汇?词性转换 1、 main (adj.) — main ly (adv.) clear (adj.) — clear ly (adv.) 2、 energ y (n.) — energ etic (adj. ) 3、 tast e (v.) — tast y (adj.) 4、 suggest (v.) — sugges tion (n.) discuss (v.) — discuss ion (n.) 词形变化 1、 honest — dis honest like — dis like 2、 photograph — photograph y -photograph er 3、 fisherm an— fisherm en 4、 agree — agree ment 5、 luck — luck y— luck ily 一词多意 1、 suit (1) 适合某人( v.) suit (2)套装( n.) wear a suit 2、 interest (1) 兴趣、爱好( n.) take an interest in(=be interested in )(2) 使···感兴趣( v.) interest sb. 3、 though (1) 连词“虽然、尽管(2) 副词“可是,不过, 然而”放在句尾 4、 latest (1) 最晚的( late 的最高级) (2) 最新的( adj ) (1) 班级(2) 等级,级别,阶级重点词汇 v. 更喜爱,更喜欢,相当于 like …… better ,其过去式、过去分词为 preferred ,常用于以下结构: ( 1) prefer+ 名词、代词 I preferred music. Which do you prefer? ( 2) prefer+ 动词不定式“宁愿干……” She prefers to live among the working people (3) prefer+v-ing I prefer living abroad. (4)prefer+ 动词不定式复合结构: 常见的搭配有: ① prefer …… to……喜欢……而不喜欢……( to为介词) She prefers apples to bananas. ② prefer doing to doing ( to为介词) He prefers running to walking. ③ prefer to do …… rather than do sth .宁愿干……而不愿干…… They prefer to play games rather than watch TV. : ①轻柔,温和(往往指音乐、嗓音或风) ②温柔的,文雅的(往往指人的性格) …… of……使某人回想起或意识到某人、某事 She reminded me of her sister. The pictures remind me of my school days. 4. whatever=no matter what 5. honest 该词是元音发音开头,前面的不定冠词用“ an ”. an honest person to do sth .期望干…… expect sb. to do sth 期望某人干…… 2. be sure of +n. / pron. / 短语 be sure that 从句相信对…有把握 be sure to do 务必……一定…… of the+ 最高级+复数名词,最…… of the best — known Chinese photographers 4. on display=on show kinds of music 各种不同的音乐 6. her own songs 她自己的歌曲 important to对……重要 the years 多年来(和现在完成时连用) sick 感到恶心,不舒服 be honest 说实话 lucky to do 幸运的是…… six-month English course 我6个月的英语课 away from 与……保持距离 in agreement 意见一致(后跟短语、句子) to music 随音乐跳舞 along with 随······