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文档介绍:大一管理学论文(Freshman management paper)
The first person to bring management into science was tharro, an American managementn management, and they simply emphasize that coordination exists in all aspects of management.
In my opinion, the essence of management should be reduced to efficiency, and efficiency can be said to be the soul of management. Because efficiency is the goal that managers pursue throughout their lives, it is also a key factor in measuring the success of a business or an organization. Only a high efficiency can ensure a good and fast operation of the organization.
The main body of behavior is to organize the province. The purpose of the organization itself should be basically unchanged, which is the interest of the organizer. The management environment, the subject of management and the object are different with the organization. For example, the management of a factory is very different from that of a shop. The management of high-quality talent and the management of simple workers will be very different. The management of a multinational company and the management of a small retail store are also very different.
The professor once told me that there are three principles of management: the principle of change, the difficulty of
principle and the principle of simplicity.
There are several main approaches to management: target management, task management, huma


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