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上传人:吴老师 2022/6/25 文件大小:165 KB





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第二局部 阅读理解 〔共两节,总分值 40分〕
第一节〔共15小 learn more.
might Taking the baton be on in Shenzhen?
A. On Aug. . On Sept. . On Sept. . On Oct. 1.
you are fond of the 17th century art works, where can you go to enjoy one?
On a website.
In the National Museum of China.
In the National Center for the Performing Arts.
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In UCCA, 798 Art Zone, Jiuxianqiao, Chaoyang District, Beijing.
you are free on a Monday after Sept. 3, you’d better consult more _____.
A. by dialing 010-6655-0000 B. by dialing 010-6400-1476
C. by dialing 010-5780-0200 D. by clicking the link on its website
When I was nine years old I lived in a small town. I found an ad for selling greeting cards in the back of a children’s magazine. I thought to myself I could do this. I begged my mother to let me send for the kit (成套工具).
Two weeks later the kit arrived. The next three hours later, I returned home with no
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card and a pocket full of
money shouting, “Mama, all the people couldn’t wait to buy my cards!〞 A salesperson was born.
When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Ziegler. I remember sitting in the dark hall listening to Mr. Ziegler raise everyone’s spirits up to ceiling. I left there feeling like I could do anything. When we got to the car, I turned to my father and said, “Dad, I want to make people feel like that.〞 My father asked me what I meant. “I want to be a motivational speaker just like Mr. Ziegler,〞 I replied. A dream was born.
Recently, I began pursuing my dream of motivating others. I realized that everything I had accomplished —
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the graduate degree, the successful sales career, speaking appointments, training and managing for a major fortune
100 company as a senior manager— had prepared me for this moment. I told my boss who was a great leader I would leave the company though I might not


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