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文档介绍:. net 教师助手学生帮手家长朋友 . net . net 教师助手学生帮手家长朋友 . net U nit 5 Let ’s celebrate! 综合运用 I. 单项选择() 1. Can you ______ a lantern ________ ofa pumpkin? A. put; in B. make; out C. give; to D. let; think () 2.— When is Halloween ?—__________. A. On October 1st B. On December 25th C. On October 31st D. On August 12th ( )3. He often has supper ________ his parents. A. with B. and C. by D. to() go to school _________ Monday morning. A. at B. in C. on D. of() 5. We want to play a trick _____ the man next door. But he is in his son ’s house today. A. for B. of C. on D. with () 6. He es to see us _______ the morning ________ October . net 教师助手学生帮手家长朋友 . net . net 教师助手学生帮手家长朋友 . net 31st every year. A. in; in B. on; in C. on; of D. on; on () 7.—________ Daniel _________ glasses? — Yes, he _________. A. Do, put up; is B. Does, wear; wears C. Does, wear; does D. Does, have; do () 8.—_________ are you talking to? - I’m talking to Li Lei. A. When B. Who C. What D. Where () 9. There __________ a lot of interesting things here. A. be B. am C. is D. are () 10. - _________ is the football? - Twenty yuan. A. How many B. How much C. What D. Where () 11. - ___________? - The one behind the tree. A. Whose girl B. Who ’s that girl C. Which girl D. Where ’s the girl () 12. - _________ are you making? - I’m making a card. . net 教师助手学生帮手家长朋友 . net . net 教师助手学生帮手家长朋友 . net A. What B. Who C. When D. How () 13. —________ do you like Christmas? — Very much. A. What B. How C. When D. Which () 14. Would you please tell us something __________ your school? A. with B. to C. of D. about () 15. —______ do you like Dragon Boat Festival? — Because we can watch dragon boat races. A. When B. How C. What D. Why II. 句型转换 1. We play a game called “ trick or treat ” for Halloween. (对划线部分提问) . net 教师助手学生帮手家长朋友 . net . net 教师助手学生帮手家长朋友 . net ________________________________________ 2. People give us candies asa treat. ( 改为一般疑问句) ________________________________________ 3. They are puter games now. (用 He 替代 The


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