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先天性心脏病(英文) 课件.ppt

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先天性心脏病(英文) 课件.ppt



文档介绍:Congenital Heart Disease
Jie Tian .
Children’s Hospital of CUMS
Epidemiology of CHD
CHD occvasive Diagnostic Studies
Chest X ray
The location of the heart
The size of the heart
The relationship between heart and great vessel
The blood flow of the lung
Noninvasive Diagnostic Studies
Echocardiography has great value in assessing congenital cardiac anomalies and should usually be the first advanced diagnostic study to be carried out if the history, the physical examination, the chest X ray, and the electrocardiogram suggest the presence of congenital heart disease.
Noninvasive Diagnostic Studies
The standard M-mode display and the two-dimensional display provide such information about cardiac anatomy as
the size of the cardiac chambers,
the connections of the great vessels,
abnormalities of the valves,
and subvalvular obstructions.
Noninvasive Diagnostic Studies
Doppler ultrasonography
Doppler ultrasonography is useful in detecting septal defects and directly assessing the amount of blood that shunts through the defect.
The size of the shunt through a septal defect can also be estimated from Doppler ultrasound studies by comparing the velocity of the blood flow through the aorta with velocity through the pulmonary artery.
Noninvasive Diagnostic Studies
Transesophageal echocardiography
Transesophageal echocardiography is particularly valuable for assessing atrial septal defects, but it also visualizes other lesions effectively. Doppler studies are useful in assessing valvular stenosis and regurgitation as well.
Noninvasive Diagnostic Studies
Computed tomography (CT)
CT provides a good display of the anatomic abnormalities associated with congenital heart disease and offers advantages over echocardiography in demonstrating anomalies involving the great vessels.
Computed tomography
Noninvasive Diagnostic Studies
Magnetic resonance imaging