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上传人:经典书馆 2017/5/25 文件大小:72 KB





文档介绍:. net 教师助手学生帮手家长朋友 . net . net 教师助手学生帮手家长朋友 . net 专题提升训练八情态动词和虚拟语气Ⅰ.单项填空 1.— Where will you start your work after graduation? — Mum , it's not been decided ________ continue my study for a higher degree. A. need B. must C. would D. might 解析句意: ——毕业后你会在哪里工作? ——妈妈,还没有确定下来呢。我可能会继续学****获得更高的学位。根据答语中的“ it's not been decided yet ”可知,此处暗含不太确定的语气,故选 might 。答案 D2.— Guess what ?I came first in that contest. — Great ! You ________ a lot during the past two weeks. A. must practise B. should practise C. should have practised D. must have practised 解析在比赛中得了第一名一定是经过很多练****换来的,所以 D项 must have practised 符合语意,表示对过去情况的肯定推测。答案 D3.— Hi, idea where Tom is? — He ________ on the saw him there playing football just now. A. shall beB. should have been C. must beD. might have been 解析句意: ——嗨, Joan 。你知道 Tom 在哪里吗? ——一定在操场上, 我刚才看见他在操场上踢足球。 must be是对现在状态的肯定推测。答案 C4.— The similarities between works are striking. — That e asno surprise , because they are all products of the . A. should B. shall C. may D. must . net 教师助手学生帮手家长朋友 . net . net 教师助手学生帮手家长朋友 . net 解析句意: ——各种社交网络惊人地相似。——那没有什么令人吃惊的, 因为这些社交网络都是互联网的产物。 should 意为“应该”。答案 A5. He ________ your car by mistake because he didn't have the keys. A. mustn't have taken B. shouldn't have taken C. couldn't have taken D. needn't have taken 解析从语意“他不可能误开了你的车,因为他没有钥匙”可知,此处应选择 couldn't have taken 。答案 C6. — Tom often drives carelessly. — Tell him h