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上传人:经典书馆 2017/5/25 文件大小:88 KB





文档介绍:. net 教师助手学生帮手家长朋友 . net . net 教师助手学生帮手家长朋友 . net 第一部分英语知识运用第一节单项填空专题十二连词与状语从句Ⅰ. 根据汉语填入适当的连词,并熟读下列状语从句,体会连词在状语从句中的用法 1. I am washing the floor , you can be cleaning the windows. 我洗地板的时候,你可以擦窗户。 2. I came home , I met an old schoolmate of mine. 我回家的时候遇到了我的一位老同学。 3. I'll ring you upI get an answer from him. 一有他的答复我就给你打电话。 4. You'd better make a mark you have any questions. 你最好在有问题的地方做个记号。 5. He would keep in touch with ushe was. 他无论在什么地方,总是与我们保持联系。 6. you are all here , let's try and reach a decision. 既然大家都来了, 咱们就尽力做出一个决定吧。 7. she was ill, she didn'e to the party. 由于病了,她没来参加晚会。 8. they are just beginners , they are doing quite a good job. 考虑到他们才刚刚学做,他们干得算???的了。 9. Let's take the front seats we may see more clearly. 我们???吧,??我们?得????。 10. School was closed early the children might go home ahead of the storm. ????学是?了???们在???到来??回家。 11. has happened you all look excited? . net 教师助手学生帮手家长朋友 . net . net 教师助手学生帮手家长朋友 . net ?生了什么?,你们都?得????? 12. Send usa message you have any difficulty. ?一你有什么??,?给我们一个??。 13. you leave at6 o'clock tomorrow morning , you'd better go to bed now. ??你?? 6???,你最好?在就????。自我校对 1. While soon as that/Since that 9.(so) that order that ? that ? so12. in case Ⅱ.完成或翻译下列句子,体会连词与状语从句在写作中的运用 1. After having earned the first degree ( ?得了第一个学位?) in1936 , he decided to learn law and essfull