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关于端午节的手抄报8k 圣诞节英语手抄报8k.docx

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关于端午节的手抄报8k 圣诞节英语手抄报8k.docx

上传人:zongzong 2022/6/26 文件大小:20 KB


关于端午节的手抄报8k 圣诞节英语手抄报8k.docx



  圣诞节英语lly will play, they all put their feelings into, and went in. Li jian, in particular, his movements particularly attractive in the sketch, our these sitting next to the hearts of the audience also brought in; That mother nanny kai generation cant help shedding tears, in the play show is over, but prolongs our applause!

  The road of life may be long, in the long road, you may forget about many of the things happened, but Ill never forget this Christmas party!
  Today is Christmas, although is spent in school, I was spent with lack of sleep a day, but my happiness is still stay in my innocence, childish mind. On this day, I realized the real buzz.
  Early in the morning, I walk on my way to school. The way to the school gate, 1 of wow, I yelled out, it turns out that each of the shops are crowded with people that are buying charmingly packaging of apple, the scene, lively like a vegetable market, in this one second, I stopped, at this moment, this moment, I stopped the pace, more happy, happy I decided to accompany them to walk.

  Walked into the shop, I deeply howeve


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