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上传人:zongzong 2022/6/26 文件大小:21 KB





he power of unity, where there is no mildly singing, there are singing the ileum of the soul-stirring.. ?? ..

  Although the days of military training bitter, but like the coffee can taste the same deep taste. I thought it would not work, it tested me and told me to adhere to in the end, the victory will eventually belong to people with military posture standing, I feel the time is no longer a time, even if the legs sour but in exchange for a straight.
  Each adhere to in the end will let me go beyond their own feelings. There was overcast rain drizzle shower without wet my red heart, there have been direct summer heat, but not as tanning the same skin, basking in my dedication. If there is no such training, I will not only rest for a moment will become a charity, compared with the usual leisure time, it is called the real luxury.
  Junzi show is the military style, but also show the indignation of calm beauty, firm heart, hard bone proud sky, wind and frost of the wind, you will feel a sense of integrity and equity. If the youth is fine, then the military posture is beautiful.

  But also military training so I realized the feelings of the soldiers, when the side sounded tell the truth, my eyes filled with tears, I would like to soldiers how many days and nights to hear the song will be sadly off Tears it. They gave up the warmth of their families, their loved ones.
  This can not be said to be a great performance, they are and the motherlands stars together, shining above the clouds above us. I have no reason to complain about the boring life and boring. To flatter every day meaningful, beneficial to others, beneficial to themselves. Because there i


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