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文档介绍:Unit 9 Health Part I In-class Listening Listening Task 1 Directions: Listen to the sentences and write down the numbers you hear from each of them .1. John was born in July ,1995. 2. Does the film start ata quarter past seven? 3. The pink dress is nice, but it’s17 yuan more expensive than the black one. 4. This little girl is134 centimeters tall. 5. Peter Smith died at the age of30. 6. This kind of plant can grow at even 45 degree centigrade. 7. The fridge will be delivered to 1136 Greenwich Ave. 8. You may call 874-6033 to ask for help. 9. How much will I have to spend to rent an apartment in Britain? I only have 545 dollars a month. 10. The roast beef is$26 akg today. Listening Task 2 Passage 1 Prince William enrolled at Elton in September 1995 at the age of13. He helped to supervise discipline ina school of1,280 boys and could impose small fines. The school timetable at Elton is9 AM to 11:20 AM, followed bya break until 11:45 AM when lesson resume until 1:15 PM. T here are two further hours of lessons in the afternoon but timings of these may vary. P rince William had tobe in his room by 11 PM. A part from the scholars in college, Etonians are divided up into 24 hours named after the resident housemaster who is primarily responsible for the 50 boys in his charge. Passage 2In1918, the Times, owned by the New York pany, was awarded the first of many Pulitzer Prizes for its coverage of World War I (1914 — 1918). In2002 the Times was awarded a record 7 Pulitzer Prizes, including 6 for coverage related to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. The newspapers owned by the New York pany have won more than 100 Pulitzer Prizes. II. Understanding a Conversation Listening Task Directions: Lis ten to the conversation and choose the best answers to the following questions. (Stella meets Tony at the gate of the hospital.) W: Tony? Long time no see. Are you sick? M: No, I am here to visit a friend of mine. He ’s just found out that