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文档介绍:摘要中国是一个发展中国家, 我们现在的首要就是中央政府与地方共同开展城市化进程。并且以它作为发展我国经济的一个重要步骤,并且最终建立起“以大城市为中心,中心城市为枢纽,小城镇为基础,城市与乡镇共同发展的一种体系”。大城市的发展离不开通畅的交通。交通是城市与经济发展的基础。要实现城市发展的目标, 保持城市以快的速度良好的发展趋势, 就要进入城市化发展的另一个阶段, 我们要实现现代化的城市,就必须建立一个有组织,有效率、现代化的城市道路交通系统,来发展城市。随着城市化的发展, 不通畅的路网已?为城市交通的最大??。?以我们就要?在??????的?路???建立交?,????的???作为???路,???路的的立交???有??的?势。?大???????????为???????有立交要?的?路中?, 在?路中小??中?有代???。???????????的地?????路的????发, ???????的实???,????的????,?????????的??、????的??、?体????、地基??、???的??以??程?的??并???????。关键词?交通城市发展立交城市化????? Abstract China's central and local to the current process of urbanization as an economic development strategy as an important step, and gradually establish the "big cities and big cities as the core, the center hub cities, small towns, based on the coordinated development of urban and rural areas of urban system." Traffic is the city and economic development. To achieve the objectives of urban development, to keep the city economy and the momentum of rapid urban development into a new stage of urbanization, modernization of the city, we must first establish an efficient, modern urban road traffic system to support the city's available sustainable development With the development of urbanization, roads and railway level crossing of urban traffic bottlenecks. This requires the number of frequent operations to build the railway line overpass, the next frame bridge asa railway on the interchange format has obvious advantages. Passenger loyalty to House Mid Frame 1 m for the two holes ina interchange requirements of the railway bridge, the railway bridge has a small representative of significance. The graduation project from the Ministry of Railway Survey and Design Institute provided the third geological data and rail longitudinal starting point according to loyalty to the actual situation of floor work, according to the corresponding design specifications, followed by pletion of the bridge size of the formulation, the calculation of bridge loads , the main structure of reinforced con


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