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文档介绍:多功能饺子机 咖喱饺
饺子机 饺子机价格 水饺机 饺子机厂家
型号 饺子重量 电压 功率 产量 外形尺寸 80型号 4800个/h 5-50g 220v 65x45x80cm 型号 饺子重量 电压 功率iquid shed, then with tap water flush, again with distilled water wash number times, loaded Shang rubber tube and wash net of glass ball and the needle-nosed glass tube, again with titration liquid wash 3 times. (2) liquid and bubbles (see Figure 8) to mount the titrant to above zero on the scale, the rubber tube bent, gently pinch the glass ball, so that the liquid slowly drove up connectors and off bubbles, full of rubber tube and needle-nosed a glass tube. (3) pinch glassware left thumb when she's in front, after the index finger, pinch the hose some place in the Middle glass balls which slightly, squeeze squeeze the hose to the right, forming a seam between the rubber tube with glass balls, solution to flow out. But note you cannot squeeze squeeze glass balls down the glass tube or air, easy to form bubbles. Fifth section analytical balances and weighingAA When m = sensitivity of 1mg-this is a simple formula. Formula showspipe threader, moving lights, and so on). 7, mixer, mortar machines: (1) it must be against objects made-and rain-proof sheds. (2) drainage must be smooth, with gutters and sedimentation ponds. (3) the mixer lever must have a safety device. (4) must have a good ground (zero) device. (5) the gravel yard walls must be sturdy and reliable. (6) complete horizontal mortar mixing Drum booth. 8, hoist: (1) open pit operation should be set up-and rain-proof body combat operations, and positive security rope fence. (2) must be equipped with the rope tube protection. (3) position of the switch box must be placed correctly, prohibit reverse switch operation sight must be good, if push button switch, the operator has a power switch, move the button switch must be in the 36-Volt ... (2) power cord into the drop of bend, entry must be entered after the fuse before going into the switch inside the oven to complete the grounding and zero conn