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文档介绍:: .
高中英语语法:动词固定搭d learned enough English to carry on a conversation.
2.carry out 执行;进行
They were carrying out an important experiment.
3.carry away 拿走
Please carry these desks away.
4.carry off 完成;赢得
John carried off all the prizes in the contest.
call 构成的动词短语
1.call on 拜访某人;号召
We will call on Mr. Li are called on to help those in trouble.
2.call at 拜访某地
I called at your office yesterday, but you were not in.
3.call for 需要;要求
Success called for hard work.
4.call in 请来
Mother is badly ill, so call in a doctor at once.
5.call up 打电话;回想起
I called Tom up and told him the news.
The woman believes she can call up the spirits of the dead.
catch 构成的动词短语
1.catch up with 赶上
Work hard and I’m sure you are able to catch up with others in .catch fire 着火;烧着
Last night a big building caught fire.
3.catch sight of 发现;看到
When the mice caught sight of the cat, the mice ran away as quickly as
hold 构成的动词短语
1.hold up 支撑;阻延
The traffic is hold up in the rush hour.
2.hold back 阻止;控制
We must hold them back from fighting.
3.hold one’s breath 憋住气
How long can you hold your breath under water?
4.hold on 等会儿;坚持下去Could you hold on, please, while I transfer you.
come 构成的动词短语
1.come into being(事物、局面等)产生;形成
The custom came into being long long ago.
2.come along 过来;快点
Come along! It’s nearly eight o’clock.
3.come out 出来;出版
How did the printing come out?
4.come true 实现
I am sure your dream will come true one day.
5.come back to life 苏醒过来
When the wounded soldier came back to life, he found himself in
.come to the point 说到要点;触及问题实质
7.come about 发生
The event came about as he had predicted it.
8.come across 碰见
You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever come acr


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