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基于改进A 算法的水面无人艇路径规划 舒伟楠.pdf

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基于改进A 算法的水面无人艇路径规划 舒伟楠.pdf

上传人:好用的文档 2022/6/27 文件大小:444 KB


基于改进A 算法的水面无人艇路径规划 舒伟楠.pdf



文档介绍:上 海 海 事 大 学 学 报
第 43 卷 第 2 期 rt College Shandong University of Science and Technology Qingdao 266590 Shandong China
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Abstract To address the global path planning issue of unmanned surface vessels USVs in waters with
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dense obstacles this paper proposes a path planning method based on the improved A algorithm. The

redundant information of shipborne radar images is removed by the pixel threshold method and the grid
method is used to carry out the environment modeling. The node obstacle detection method is proposed to

optimize the path planning of USVs and the evaluation function is improved to reduce the total number of
traversal nodes. The redundant nodes on the planned path are smoothed. The simulation results show
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that compared with A algorithm the proposed improved A algorithm can ensure that USVs are away