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文档介绍:Walking into a Chinese garden, one cannot help but be enchanted by its unique oriental flavor. In contrast with natural scenery, the beauty of Chinese gardens lies in bining culture and art into one. 走进中国园林, 你会不由自主地被其独特的东方韵味施以魔法。在与自然景观的对比中,中国园林的美在于其以文化和艺术融为一体。 In ancient china, from the emperor down to any of the rich, they without exception all took pride in the ownership ofa garden in their living space. In the garden one could hold court, entertain guests, hunt, play games, read, play chess, drink tea, chant verses, recite poetry or paint, and over the years a rich garden culture was gradually formed. 在中国古代, 从皇帝到任何的富人, 他们无一例外都以他们的生活空间园林的所有权而自豪。在花园里可以开庭, 招待客人, 打猎, 玩游戏, 看书, 下棋, 喝茶, 唱诗, 朗诵诗歌或绘画, 多年以来丰富的园林文化逐渐形成。 The art of the Chinese garden emphasizes the portrayal ofa mood, so that the hills, waters, plants, and buildings as well as their spatial relationship are not just a mere materialistic environment but also evoke a spiritual atmosphere. The builder of the garden, through symbolism and allegories, the search for a poetic mood, the gathering of relics from all over, and the building of temples, streets and even taverns, strives to reach a realm that is natural yet elegant, combining the art of the garden with classical Chinese literature, painting and theater, where in the true essence of traditional culture lies. 中国园林的艺术强调一种心情的写照, 所以山,水, 植物, 建筑以及它们的空间关系不仅仅是物质环境, 也唤醒了一种精神


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