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Liu Yimiao sales quotes daquan:
sales of five hearts, (1) believe that the heart of self.
(2) believe footstep of a skilled worker! Opportunities are always for those who are prepared.
make a fool of yourself and grow up, and you will fool yourself when you grow up.
shut up if what you say does not help others.
privately said that the company is bad, the day to work again, on behalf of you selling yourself (body + soul).
jump first, looking for the end result!
as long as you knock, someone opens the door, and if you ask, someone will answer.
Most of the knowledge, experience and ability of 10. people are accumulated in work and study, so long as
Establish lifelong learning to hold, modest and sincere attitude and have an insatiable desire to learn the spirit of good at work
Study, study in books, learn from colleagues, learn from competitors, you will be able to improve yourself
A career.
only a fool or voluntarily puttheir business to people will be on the precipitous rock faces and sheer cliffs, as if he was the education
, what is not easy, repeat a job, do not make mistakes ten million times, it is not easy to call. Life is very
Many things need to be done at once and put into practice.
, a seed, if the internal is not full, vitality is not strong, how the external fertilization, water, environment
Even better, it can not germinate l


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