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上传人:hh思密达 2022/6/28 文件大小:15 KB





     I treasure the sunrise, especially from my back window. Our house and garden 2)overdines (they are actually larger than an average 17)pilchard) head towards the shores of southeastern Africa. Of course, all the 18)game fish―sharks, 19)blue marlin, and the like―20)follow suit.   The “non-fish”―the dolphins (in 21)schools of hundreds) and the whales―are loveliest of all. The dolphins seem like such fun creatures; they literally jump for joy. And the whales are simply awe-inspiring. From our house, you glance out to sea and suddenly spot this 22)spurt of water, and the next minute another, and then the whales surface and 23)splash their tails. The incredible size of these creatures is absolutely 24)breathtaking, no matter how many times I see them. In the middle of all this, the 25)gannets(26)gull-like birds) dive into the sea to catch the sardines and get so full that they end up resting in groups of thousands, just floating together. They look like huge white islands, and as the sun sets, it seems to pick out these white masses of birds on the sea.   All the birds I see―the yellow 27)weavers, African 28)robins, tiny glossy-colored 29)manikins and, in summer, European swallows―are amazing. But other than the 30)Malachite kingfishers, which love to 31)swoop through the yard, most impressive are the 32)ibises (their heads appear in the Egyptian


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