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上传人:泰山小桥流水 2022/6/28 文件大小:44 KB





文档介绍:太空之旅 送我入太空
Science and technology.
Moon tourism.
Fly me to the moon.
送我入t mildly. The easier task probably falls to Space Adventures, whose well-tested Soyuzcapsules-which have been flying, in one form or another, since the
1960s-require a beefier communications system, larger portholes (everyone wants a window seat, after all) and a better heat shield for re-entry. A separate booster rocket will be necessary to break the craft out of Earth orbit.
到当前为止, 空间旅行已经鼎力宣传了很长时间, 可是实质上刚才开始。 两个企业都面对着巨大的工程挑战, 使他们抓狂。 比较简单的任务可能下降在空间探险企业身上, 其调试优秀的结盟号飞船自从 20 世纪 60 年月以来已经以一种形式或另一种形式飞过 —— 只是需要加装强盛的制动装置, 大的舷窗 ( 毕竟每一个人都想坐在离窗户近的地方 ) 此外为从头进入加装好的隔热层。助推火箭分别器需要有强盛的推力使航天器离开地球轨道。
Excalibur Almaz's bulky space stations will need a lot more work to convert into lunar spacecraft. The first step will be to attach engines. The company plans to use ion thrusters, a high-tech propulsion system in which propellant is ejected using an electric field. Such motors are extremely efficient, and can be powered from a station's solar panels. But they generate little thrust, meaning that Excalibur Almaz's mission will take at least six months, compared with just six days for Space Adventures' chemical-powered craft. In fact, the low-energy trajectory planned by Excalibur Almaz will take its crew members farther from the Earth than any other humans have been.


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