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文档介绍:滨州学院本科毕业设计(论文) i 基于 PLC 的搅拌机控制系统的设计摘要液体搅拌已成为现代工厂中必不可少的环节, 以往的搅拌机都是由继电器控制的, 其系统较为复杂, 响应速度缓慢。基于 PLC 控制技术的飞速发展, 用软件就可以取代继电器系统中的触点和接线, 因此,选用 PLC 对搅拌机的控制系统进行设计。本设计主要采用 PLC 控制技术实现对液体搅拌系统的自动控制。首先设计系统的工艺流程,根据工艺流程进行硬件配置,主要包括 PLC 、电动机、电磁阀、泵、液位变送器等元件的选型。然后对控制系统的主电路、控制电路进行设计, 从而达到控制要求。最后根据控制要求进行软件设计, 通过液位变送器将采集到的现场液位高度传送给 PLC ,并由 PLC 对现场数据逻辑处理后, 发出相应的控制指令, 完成系统的自动控制。该设计在保证其功能的前提下,对其结构进行了尽量的简化,从而达到降低制造成本和维护成本的目的。关键字: PLC, 液体搅拌,控制系统,自动控制滨州学院本科毕业设计(论文) ii The design of the M ixer C ontrol S ystem based on PLC Abstract Liquid mixing has e an indispensable part of the modern factories, past mixer is controlled by relay, the system is plicated, the speed of response is slow. Based on the rapid development of PLC control technology, u sing the software can replace the contact and connection in relay system, therefore, this article chooses PLC to design the control system of mixer. This design mainly uses the PLC control technology to realize automatic control of liquid mixing system .F irst ly, design ing process of the system which can determine the hardware configuration , mainly including PLC, motor, solenoid valve, pump, liquid level ponents selection, etc. Then so as to achieve the requirements of the control , design ing the control system of main circuit, control circuit. At last, ording to the control requirements for software design, through the liquid level transmitter will be collected the water height transmitted to PLC, and after processing by PLC to field data logic, a corresponding control instruction, complete the automatic control system. The design under the premise of function, try to achieve aim of lower ing costs manufacturing and maintenance , thereby simplify the structure of system . Keywords: PLC, Liquid mixing , Control system , automatic control 滨州学院本科毕业设计(论文) I 目录第一章绪论........................................................................................................................ 1 设计背景.............................................................