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红树莓根系水提物对间作物种子萌发及生长的化感效应 刘可意.pdf

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红树莓根系水提物对间作物种子萌发及生长的化感效应 刘可意.pdf

上传人:学习一点新东西 2022/6/28 文件大小:820 KB


红树莓根系水提物对间作物种子萌发及生长的化感效应 刘可意.pdf



文档介绍:: .
进生长(促进率为 %),随着浓度的升高促进效果越来越明显,对于马齿苋起抑制作用(抑制率为 %),
关键词 红树莓; 根系; 种子萌发; 化感物质
Effects of Allelochemicals from Red Raspberry Roots on Seed
Germination and Growth of Intercropping Crops
Liu Keyi Wang Xiaoxiang Zhang Liye Qiu Jiaqi Li Han Guo Suping Liu Yang Zhang Xuemei*
College of Forestry, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, 071000
Corresponding author, ******@
Abstract In order to explore the effects of allelochemicals from the roots of red raspberry on seed germinationand seedling growth of different crops, purslane, dandelion and soybean seeds were used as receptor materials,
and the effects of different concentrations of root water extracts of live and dead roots ( g·L-1, 5 g·L-1, 10 g·L-1)
of red raspberry were studied by indoor culture method. Germination rate, germination index, seedling height and
root length were tested as indexes to measure the influence of red raspberry on the growth of intercropping crops.
The results showed that: different concentrations of red raspberry root extracts had different effects on the three
kinds of crops. The extract of raspberry living root inhibited the growth of purslane (inhibition rate was %)
and promoted the growth of soybean (promotion rate was %), and showed a trend of promoting the growth of
dandelion at low concentration and inhibiting the growth at high concentration. With the increase of the
concentration of the extract, the promotion effect on soybean and the