文档介绍:1 哺乳期乳腺炎 127 例三联疗法治疗分析【摘要】目的探讨哺乳期乳腺炎采用三联疗法的治疗及预后。方法对 127 例哺乳期乳腺炎患者的临床症状、治疗方法以及治疗效果进行回顾性分析。结果 127 例患者中 85例2 次痊愈, 37例 3~6 次痊愈,5 例因治疗中出现高热不退、患侧腋窝淋巴肿大、压痛, 停止该治疗, 转西医外科输液治疗后痊愈。结论早期发现、合理治疗哺乳期乳腺炎疾病,可以明显控制哺乳期妇女乳腺炎症加重,缩短病程,减少哺乳期乳腺炎引发的并发症。【关键词】哺乳期;乳腺炎;三联疗法[ Abstract ] Objective To discuss breast-feeding mastitis with three association therapies of the treatment and 127 examples of breast-feeding mastitis patient ’s clinical symptom , the method of treatment as well as the treatment result were carried on the review In 127 example patients,85 examples had 2 healings , 37 example had 3~6 healings ,5 examples because of the high fever 2 not to draw back , the trouble side armpit lymph tumescent , the tenderness , stopped this treatment , and transfered to western medicine surgical department for infusion treatment to Early discovery , reasonable treatment on breast-feeding period mastitis disease , may control the breast-feeding period ’s mammary gland inflammation , reduce the course of illness , reduce the breast-feeding plication. [ Key words ] breast-feeding ; mastitis ; three joint therapy treatments 哺乳期乳腺炎多发生于产后, 绝大多数为初产妇。因乳管阻塞、乳汁淤积,细菌(多为葡萄球菌)直接侵入所致,或细菌自乳头或乳晕的皲裂处侵入乳管并沿淋巴引流导致乳腺小叶感染。其主要表现是起病时常有高热、寒颤等全身中毒症状, 患侧乳房体积增大, 局部变硬, 皮肤发红, 有压痛及搏动性疼痛。由于治疗措施不得力或病情进一步加重,局部组织发生坏死、液化, 大小不等的感染灶相互融合可形成脓肿[1]。笔者的三联疗法治疗乳腺炎方法简单安全、无毒副作用, 能尽快缓解患者痛苦, 避免肿块