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儿童两分钟英语小故事 两分钟英语儿童故事.docx

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儿童两分钟英语小故事 两分钟英语儿童故事.docx

上传人:mama1 2022/6/28 文件大小:13 KB


儿童两分钟英语小故事 两分钟英语儿童故事.docx



少儿英语网权威发布儿童两分钟英语小故事,更多儿童两分钟英语小故事相关信息请访问少儿英语网。儿童故事(children’s stories)是指 以叙述事务的过程为中心,适合儿童听或at happens, nothing will distract my attention. As I manage to accomplish all these, I can be so skillful at catching cicadas.” “不过,这还不够,,还必需擅长隐藏自己。我现在站在树下,就像是半截子树桩;伸出去的手臂,就像是一段枯萎的树枝。最终,还必需专心专一。我捕蝉时,根本不想天地多么广阔,也不看众多万物,只望见蝉的两只翅膀,不管发生什么状况,都不会分散我的留意力。因为我能够做到这些,所以捕蝉才会这样娴熟。” Hearing this, Confucius turned to his disciples and said: 孔子听了,回头对他的*说: “Whatever you do, only when you persevere with concentrated attention and devotion, can you achieve the acme of perfection. This is the truth that this hunchbacked old man has taught us.” “无论做什么时候,只有锲而不舍,用心致志,才能达到这样出神人化的境界。这就是这位驼背老人告知我们的道理。”
  Where do you like best to feed your flocks? said a man to an old cow-herd. Here, sir, where the grass is neither too rich nor too poor, or else it is no use. Why not? asked the man. Do you hear that melancholy cry from the meadow there? answered the shepherd, that is the bittern; he was once a shepherd, and so was the hoopoe also,--I will tell you the story. The bittern pastured his flocks on rich green meadows where flowers grew in abundance, so his cows became wild and unmanageable. The hoopoe drove his cattle on to high barren hills, where the wind plays with the sand, and his cows became thin, and got no strength. When it was evening, and the shepherds wan