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文档介绍:山东省无线电管理条例(Shandong radio regulations)
Standing committee of shandong provincial people's congress
20060525 (date of ps are owned by the state.
The radio spectrum resources are unified planning, grading and matching, and paid use.
Article 5 people's governments at various levels shall strengthen the leadership, radio management, encourage the rational use of radio frequency, promote to improve spectrum utilization and improve the electromagnetic environment of radio new technology, new equipment and increasing economic benefit and social benefit of radio spectrum resource.
The provincial radio management commission assists the provincial people's government in coordinating and resolving major issues concerning radio management in the military system and related departments.
Article 6 the office of radio management of the province shall be the administrative office of the provincial radio management commission (hereinafter referred to as the provincial radio administration), responsible for the radio management of the province. The municipal radio administration of the district shall be responsible for the administration of radio management in this administrative region. The people's government of the county (city or district) shall determine the administrative organ to assist in the work of radio management in the administrative region according to the actual work.
National security, public security, Marine and fisheries, urban and rural construction, planning, industrial and commercial administration, quality and technology supervision, environment protection, broadcasting, maritime, customs, civil aviation departments, shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, do a good job duties within the scope of the radio management.
Article 7 the radio stations (stations) and their equipment used in accordance with the law shall be protected by law.
No unit or individual may interfere with the lawful radio station (station) and radio network,


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