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文档介绍:世界足球队的德比(World football Derby)
The following summarizes some of the world,s most famous football club rivals. In accordran (Northern Ireland)
Focus Derby: Classic Derby, venue: Spain
FC Barcelona, vs, Real Madrid
For the people of Catalonia, the significance of FC Barcelona is not as simple as that of a football club. During the Spanish Civil War, areas such as Catalonia were subjected to fascist government's oppression of their cultural and ethnic characteristics. FC Barcelona became a symbol of Catalonia culture and also a representative of spain.
The other side, Real Madrid, is seen as a symbol of national centralization and Spanish nationalism. The mix of social and political differences brought gunpowder to the Derby war. In 1950s, Di Stefano and Figo in 2000, the transfer crisis, but also deepened the opposition between the two sides.
The classic Derby, one of the most important soccer matches in the world, not only attracts the attention of Spain, but also attracts the attention of one billion fans in the world.
Other Derby in spain:
Vs Espanyol, Barcelona
The Royal Society of Bilbao competitive vs
Seville FC vs Royal Bettis
Real Madrid vs Ma Jing
Valencia vs Levante
Focus Derby: capital Derby, location: Italy, Rome
S. S Lazio, vs, A. S, Rome A. S. Rome was founded in 1927. The club is the result of a merger of three of the four clubs in the Rome region. The only one that has merged is S. S lazio. The rivalry between the two clubs began, as they defended each other's position as the best club in the city of Rome. The capital derby has been affected by violence for years, mainly by extremist fans from both sides. Violence is usually caused by race and fascist ideology.
In 2004 March, the derby was influenced by fans and finally postponed. One is a boy killed in the stadium outside the police false rumors triggered *. Three Rome extreme fans walked into the stadium to threaten Rome captain Francisco Toti and asked him to cancel the


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